WANT TO SEE: Barcelona
The following is taken from an awesome website I found called http://www.veggieplaces.co.uk/vegetarian_barcelona.html
A website that should be able to help prevent starvation on the european stretch of our honeymoon.
Following it's redevelopment in the decades before, Barcelona has become one of the most popular of European city destinations and it's not hard to see why. Well planned, wide boulevards, with sensible pedestrian crossing procedures, make it a joy to explore on foot. The buildings are stunning, there is a coffee shop on every corner. It's a buzzing city with an equally busy port and has a heady mix of old and new.
Rhys and I went and had breakfast at Mt Cootha the other morning, looking up at the single cloud, as I currently am obsessed with clouds. We sat on the deck enjoying the view, we had a conversation that went something like this:
R: We'll see a lot of this next year.
Me: Of Brisbane?
R: No views, when you go to a new city you usually find a high point and look out over the city
Me: I think all the roofs are the same colour
R: In Greece?
Me: yeah and somewhere in California. Where do you think we'll be this time next year?
R: Hmmm Italy? Venice maybe.
Me: On the canals?
R: Sure
Me: 6 months is not enough time
R: Yeah. At least its a start, we can go back.
Me: True, we can make a list of places we want to explore again.
R: After the kids have left
*rolls eyes* Me: well at least we'll have this time together and this adventure, too many people end up in hospital when they're older and miss out....
R: You wouldn't be happy if today was our wedding day would you?
Me: How'd you know?
Both: Only one cloud.
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