September/spring is wedding season. Ri and I went down to the Shorncliffe Pier at Sunset to case it for engagement photo ops and, I kid you not, five bridal parties were having their photos taken, each on an angle trying not to get the others in the shot. (They had the most beauitful sunset to work with, they'll have lovely photos).
I've only ever been to one spring wedding.
Weddings I've been to, when and my favourite part:
Feb 2006: Beautiful Melbourne settings, very classy.
March 2007: Great party atmosphere
July 2005: Hand made favours
August 2008: most original bridal hair I've seen
September 2006: original/trend setting colour concept
December 2007: best bridesmaids, they were very interactive with the guests.
and the next one is November 2009.
I love that I have never been to a wedding in the same month twice. I still need to collect January, April, June and October.
So spring is meant to be wedding season. We could never get married in spring because that's my birth season and I wanted to keep the wedding as far away from my birthday as possible. I'd never been or heard of anyone having a May wedding. Having a May wedding was mum's idea. She was more concerned about ensuring our honeymoon was during summer so I wouldn't be too cold.
After booking for May and feeling original turns out 2 friends I knew from highschool/uni years were not only getting married in May but on the same date one year earlier!
May will be beautiful.
My next obsession will be locations for wedding photography.